wow looootsa things this week .
mmm confirmation !
yeah it wasn't so bad , LOL i was nervous .
everyone was , it was pretty hilarious watching
everyone being super stiff hahah . yeah , and
it was uber amazing that i fell on my way out the door ,
no ? ahah i'm a klutz . me + heels = disaster .
anyways , yeah it was fun . lots of pictures .
but like , 8 months of preperation for an hour ? woooooh .
hmmm , HELLO AKON ! ♥
aha , yeeah his concert was amazing , thanks for
taking me , bhess !
yeah so daga caught his friggen towel haah ,
we had floor , and were just a few people away from him .
karl wolf opened , also amazing .
it was life .
anywhooo , yeah we actually went to school today ,
the day after the concert . aha wow i couldn't even function LOL .
whatever it was wooorth it !
mmmmm yeah , quebec soontimes .
wonder how it'll turn out ? good i hope . ( yn )
geeeez so many rules , we might as well be on leashes .
and the dress code ? omfg . -____-
ahah for grad too . so gay .
anyways , wooo yess , finally that whole thing is pretty much solved ?
well things are definitely clearer now , no ? (;
glad you had the guts to do that aha .
really makes me happy to see her happy , and not confused as hell .
i was almost at the point where i didnt know what to say anymore ,
i ran out of things to say ; and those things just didn't fit anymore
cause you made it real confusing . but again , you had the guts to
make it right , so good job !
it can only go one way from now on , ( y )
crimson , crawling .
pulse , beating slow .
torn , but still alive .
searching for a reason .
still breathing, for you .
every breath with more struggle ,
more effort .
i am aching, for you .
for your arms ; my cradle where i may fall.
i fall into your eyes ;
your neverending eyes .
they've never let me sink so deep ,
the undertow
finally , i am here again .
where there is comfort , but i am not whole .
where i can rid of this mask ;
where i am numb .
i am lost ;
never , do i want to be